Thursday, June 28, 2012

Real World News

Western Wildfires

Across the country, 657,614 acres are currently burning under the graze of 37 active large fires. Read more
Waldo Canyon Fire

Forget Doomsday, Watch Out for Snakes

This year is a banner year for snakebites. Read more
Forget Doomsday, Watch Out for Snakes

Missing Link For Wonky-Eyed Fish Discovered

A new fossil discovery of a missing link in a drawer at a museum uncovers the mystery of flatfish eyes. Read more
peacock flounder

Rich Men Say Got Nuke Waste?

Wealthy males are the group most willing to give pooped-out plutonium a place to retire for the next 10,000 years. Read more
Rich Men Say Got Nuke Waste?

Rising Sea Level Puts East Coast At Risk

The sea level on a stretch of the US Atlantic coast that features the cities of New York, Norfolk and Boston is rising up to four times faster than the global average. Read more
NJ coast

Wonky-Eyed Fish Link

A new fossil discovery finds an intermediate-type of eye migration possibly linking the funny one-sided eyes of flatfish with distant symmetrical-faced ancestors. Read more

Earth's Highest Blue Ice

Polar mesospheric "noctilucent" clouds captured in a stunning photo by the Expedition 31 crew aboard the Space Station. Read more
night-shining clouds

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