Saturday, June 30, 2012

Real World News

Why Supermarket Tomatoes Taste Like Cardboard

Supermarket tomatoes may look pretty, but the gene mutation that makes them look good also makes them taste terrible. Read more

Rare 'Green Rust' Offers Glimpse of Ancient Seas

A rare and highly reactive iron mineral called green rust appears to have played an important role in ancient oceans. Read more
rust boat

How Clean Is Your Beach?

Two new beach reports out this month could reveal whether your favorite beach is a superstar or a repeat offender. Read more
How Clean Is Your Beach?

Pre-Evacuating? Online Community Can Help

Social media users are using the Internet to help share stories, images, and life-saving information for Colorado residents coping with numerous wildfires. Read more
Pre-Evacuating? Online Community Can Help

What Would Happen If You Fell Into a Volcano?

You would die, of course. But how, exactly? Read more
What would happen if you leaned a bit too far over the rim of a volcano and fell in?

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