Friday, June 22, 2012

The repugican strategy: Destroy Healthcare, then drag feet and do nothing

There you go! What a plan for America by the brilliant minds that are blinded by hatred and a desire to destroy America. It comes as no surprise that the repugicans don't have a plan to replace Healthcare Reform with anything because really, who out there really knows that there was an exploding healthcare crisis that led to the reform in the first place?
We can all agree that Healthcare Reform didn't solve every problem and yes, it could have been less about benefiting the insurance and pharmaceutical companies but to destroy it for no other reason other than because it was done by Obama is the usual repugican hatred.

Why is it so hard for repugicans to compromise and work for the American people rather than obstruct and destroy? One of these days the repugican party is going to have to start negotiating and delivering legislation that benefits someone other than industry.

Repeal and then ignore? Really?
Instead, repugican lawmakers cite recent announcements that some insurance companies will retain a few of the law's higher-profile provisions as evidence that quick legislative action is not essential. Those are steps that officials say repugicans quietly urged in private conversations with the industry.

Once the Supreme Court issues a ruling, "the goal is to repeal anything that is left standing," said Sen. John Barrasso, reptile-Wyo., a member of the party's leadership.

Beyond that, "we ought to go step by step to lower the cost" of health care, he added, a formula repeated by numerous other repugicans interviewed in recent days.

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