Saturday, June 16, 2012

The repugicans are lying liars

by Mario Piperni

If I wanted to, I could post Idiot Quotes of the Day all day long. The right has no shortage of liars and bigots in their cesspool of stupidity to ever fear running short of material.

Case in point, Republican Congressman Jeff Landry of Louisiana decided to attack the Obama administration for mandating that contraception be included in health insurance policies by spouting this bit of nonsense.
Down here in south Louisiana this is huge, this is very important to my constituency.
I think the biggest problems that a lot of Americans are having out there is the hypocrisy of this administration. Remember, this is an administration who has no problem
special status or waivers to muslims as they go through TSA screenings.

Look, as they believe that there is a need to grant them special rights as they go through
the TSA screening based upon their religion, that’s fine, I’m ok with that. But then don’t
turn around and attack christians when they stand up and say ‘listen, we believe that the
policies you’re putting in place violate our religious freedoms as well.

They literally just make this shit up as they go.

IF Obama had a policy to let muslims skip airport screening, don't you think Pigboy
and FAUX news and the rest would be squealing like a chicken caught in a tractor's nuts?

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