Saturday, June 30, 2012

Science and Health

Researchers discover potential explanation for why a diet high in DHA improves memory

We’ve all heard that eating fish is good for our brains and memory. But what is it about DHA, an ...
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Debilitating eyesight problems on decline for older Americans

Today’s senior citizens are reporting fewer visual impairment problems than their counterparts from a generation ago, according to a new ...
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After child dies, mom’s risk of early death skyrockets

In the first two years following the death of a child, there is a 133 percent increase in the risk ...
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Success of fertility treatment may approach natural birth rate

A groundbreaking study of nearly 250,000 U.S. women reveals live birth rates approaching natural fertility can be achieved using assisted ...
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Probing the roots of depression by tracking serotonin regulation at a new level

In a process akin to belling an infinitesimal cat, scientists have managed to tag a protein that regulates the neurotransmitter...
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Dietary fiber alters gut bacteria, supports gastrointestinal health

A University of Illinois study shows that dietary fiber promotes a shift in the gut toward different types of beneficial ...
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Diet of early human relative Australopithecus shows surprises

Australopithecus sediba, believed to be an early relative of modern-day humans, enjoyed a diet of leaves, fruits, nuts, and bark ...
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