Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Science News

Nano-Sandwich Technique Slims Down Solar Cells, Improves Efficiency

Researchers from North Carolina State University have found a way to create much slimmer thin-film solar cells without sacrificing the [...]
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Creative individuals traveled to the south Swedish inland 9,000 years ago

Despite its good ecologic status, there were no permanent settlements in the south Swedish inland 9,000 years ago. Yet the [...]
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Gut microbes battle a common set of viruses shared by global populations

The human gut is home to a teeming ecosystem of microbes that is intimately involved in both human health and [...]
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Discovery of material with amazing properties

Normally a material can be either magnetically or electrically polarized, but not both. Now researchers at the Niels Bohr Institute [...]
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Neurons that control overeating also drive appetite for cocaine

Researchers at Yale School of Medicine have zeroed in on a set of neurons in the part of the brain [...]
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Learn that tune while fast asleep

Want to nail that tune that you’ve practiced and practiced? Maybe you should take a nap with the same melody [...]
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South African daffodils may be a future cure for depression

Scientists have discovered that plant compounds from a South African flower may in time be used to treat diseases originating [...]
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