Friday, June 29, 2012

Supreme Court upholds Healthcare Reform, including mandate

Yesterday was a good day for America

David G. Savage writes: "The Supreme Court led by Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. upheld the heart of President Obama's healthcare law Thursday, ruling that the government may impose tax penalties on those who do not have health insurance." The vote was 5 to 4, with Chief Justice Roberts (not Kennedy) swinging it. [LA Times]

What the Health Care Ruling Means

The Supreme Court left standing the basic provisions of President Obama's health care overhaul. Here's what it will mean for you. Read more
What the Health Care Ruling Means
And just how are the wingnuts reacting to the obvious Constitutionality of Health Care reform?
As they typically do ...

Yes, no exaggeration,

And another:

Feel free to take Alabama and Mississippi with you.
And yet, Somehow I feel Fine!

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