Friday, June 1, 2012

Today in History

193   The Roman emperor, Marcus Didius, is murdered in his palace.
1533   Anne Boleyn, Henry VIII's new queen, is crowned.
1774   The British government orders the port of Boston closed.
1789   The first U.S. congressional act on administering oaths becomes law.
1812   American navy captain James Lawrence, mortally wounded in a naval engagement with the British, exhorts to the crew of his vessel, the Chesapeake, "Don't give up the ship!"
1862   General Robert E. Lee assumes command of the Confederate army outside Richmond after General Joe Johnston is injured at Seven Pines.
1864   The Battle of Cold Harbor, Virginia, begins as Confederate general Robert E. Lee tries to turn Union general Ulysses S. Grant's flank.
1868   James Buchanan, the 15th president of the United States, dies.
1877   U.S. troops are authorized to pursue bandits into Mexico.
1915   Germany conducts the first zeppelin air raid over England.
1916   The National Defense Act increases the strength of the U.S. National Guard by 450,000 men.
1921   A race riot erupts in Tulsa, Oklahoma, killing 85 people.
1939   The Douglas DC-4 makes its first passenger flight from Chicago to New York.
1941   The German Army completes the capture of Crete as the Allied evacuation ends.
1942   America begins sending Lend-Lease materials to the Soviet Union.
1958   Charles de Gaulle becomes premier of France.
1963   Governor George Wallace vows to defy an injunction ordering integration of the University of Alabama.
1978   The U.S. reports finding wiretaps in the American embassy in Moscow.

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