Friday, July 20, 2012

Astronomical News

Sputnik satelliteDid a Sputnik really crash in Scotland

Exoplanet Neighbor is Smaller than Earth

Astronomers believe they have found a planet about two-thirds the size of Earth orbiting a star 33 light-years away. Read more
Exoplanet Neighbor is Smaller than Earth

Weird Ancient Spiral Galaxy Discovered

Gravitational tugs from a small intruder galaxy is believed to be responsible for sculpting ancient galaxy's unusual spiral structure. Read more
Weirdly Ancient Spiral Galaxy Discovered

Exploring Dwarf Galaxy Mysteries

The Discovery Channel Telescope will be used to find answers to the most vexing of dwarf galaxy mysteries. Read more
Exploring Dwarf Galaxy Mysteries: DCT Science

Dunes Swarm Over Martian Plain

It looks like an extraterrestrial campsite, but those little tents are in fact Martian sand dunes. Read more
Dunes Swarm Over Martian Plain: Big Pic


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