Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Environmental News

California ranchers hit by Midwest drought. - California ranchers may be hit harder by the drought in the nation's heartland than farmers in the corn belt

Extreme drought areas in us nearly triple in one week . - The US drought monitor reports that areas on the nation under extreme drought conditions in key agricultural states has tripled in the past week.

Midwest crops, fish, water supply punished by drought. - Temperatures heading north of 100 degrees Fahrenheit and scarce rain portended another blistering weekend for much of the U.S. Midwest, where the most extensive drought since 1956 is devastating crops, evaporating rivers, and threatening to push world food prices higher

On the Missouri river, drought's effects are diluted by tapping northern reserves. - In times like these, you might have to dip into your savings. that’s true even for the Missouri river. The big muddy has run through this year’s supply of snowpack and rain and is now drawing on reserves held in lakes upriver in north Dakota and Montana 

In Dallas area, high water use can be tied to affluence. - The biggest drain is water for landscaping. and that will come at a steep cost. State experts say that in the next 50 years, north Texas will need an estimated $21 billion of new reservoirs and infrastructure to sustain the region’s water use as the climate gets hotter and the population grows.

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