Saturday, July 28, 2012


The Region Everyone Must Visit 
Kenozerye is a forest and lake region, the place where in the middle of the XIX century the Russian epos was written - 83 heroic epics, local old men still remember fragments of ancient Russian legends which were told by their grandparents for many centuries. Kenozersky national park is situated in the south-west of the Arkhangelsk region. There are about 300
lakes in the park. The biggest are Kenozero - 90 km2, Lekshmozero - 54 km2. People have been living near them for a long time. The Slavs brought farming to this land: here appeared cozy villages, fields, "holy" groves existing since pagan times, coniferous forests, ancients crosses at the crossroads... And famous chapels, of course.

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