Friday, July 27, 2012

Man is new dad, grandad and great-grandad after three babies arrive in three months

Patrick Sloan has a brand new son. And a new grandson. And a new great-grandson. And the three babies arrived in the space of just three months. First, Patrick, 60, became a dad for the fourth time – 28 years after the birth of his third child. His second wife Joanne, 39, had little Ethan on March 14. Then, in June, Patrick’s grand-daughter Fern, 18, presented him with his first great-grandchild, Mason. And 12 days after Fern gave birth, it was her mum Odette’s turn to head for the delivery room. She too produced a healthy baby boy, Leonard.

So Ethan is Mason’s great-uncle, Fern has a new uncle as well as a new son, and Odette is celebrating the arrival of a son, a grandson and a half-brother who is 35 years younger than she is. Ethan also has two big half-brothers, Aaron, 33, and Dean, 32. And he’s uncle to Odette’s sons, Joel, 10, and baby Leonard, Aaron’s 11-month-old daughter Alissa, and Dean’s kids Joshua, nine, and Alivia, eight. It’s all a bit confusing, but nursing manager Patrick wouldn’t change a thing about it. He went into hospital to have his vasectomy reversed so he could become a father again with Joanne.

He said: “All three boys are fantastic. I’m sure there are people who think my situation is very odd. I agree it’s not that conventional but I wouldn’t swap it for the world. Ethan has given me a new lease of life and is my pride and joy. And to have a new grandson and my first great-grandchild at the same time is the icing on the cake.” The baby bonanza has also been good for Joanne, Odette and Fern. They’ve been swapping tips and helping each other out with their youngsters.

Odette said: “It was strange knowing I was pregnant at the same time as my daughter and my mother-in-law. But at least I knew I could help Fern and be there for her whenever she needed me.” Patrick, of Doncaster, Yorkshire, will be retiring around the time Ethan starts school. He admits he worries that people will criticize him for becoming a dad against his age. But he said: “Generally, everyone has been really pleased and excited. It was a bit of a shock to the system at first, but Ethan is a little treasure and makes me smile every single day.”

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