Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Photo of Goatman!

A man hiking in Ogden, Utah snapped this photo of a fellow who apparently was wearing a goat suit and socializing with a herd of real goats. The Division of Wildlife Services is concerned for the man's safety. From KSTU:
 2012 07 Goatman1-1 “He was clumsy, working his way down the cliff trying to catch up with the rest of the herd,” said hiker (Coty) Creighton. “With the binoculars I could clearly see it was a guy dressed up in a homemade goat suit.”
Creighton says the suit was big and furry and the man also wore heavy gloves so he could crawl on his hands and knees.
"Photographer says ‘Goatman’ was descending peak to join herd"

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