Friday, July 13, 2012

Romney Booed at NAACP

"I'm better for Blacks than Obama..."

If you want a president who will make things better in the African-American community,
you are looking at him,” Romney said. “You take a look.”

The crowd booed when Romney criticized Obama for not doing enough to get unemployment down.

“I know the President will say he’s going to do those things, but he has not, he will not,
he cannot, and his last four years in the White House proves it, definitively,” Romney said.

The loudest boos came when Romney spoke of his desire to see “Obamacare” repealed.
You know what Lush Dimbulb (the vulgar Pigboy) is saying off-mic about this?

"Niggers are too stupid to realize we're better for them than Obama."  

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