Saturday, July 14, 2012

Romney - Fetal Disposal - Profits

As CEO and President of Bain, Romney was responsible for aborted-fetus-disposal investment
During his tenure as CEO & President of Bain, Romney's company invested in a business that disposes of aborted fetuses.

As "Chairman, CEO, and President" of Bain, he damn well would have remained responsible for these decisions. In which case, saying he had "left" and implying that he had no involvement or responsibility whatsoever is highly misleading.

The CEO of a car company may not have input into the decision of what specific cars the company makes or where it makes them (though he or she obviously could if s/he wanted), but this CEO is unequivocally responsible for these decisions.

Similarly, if Romney was CEO of Bain at the time it made the Stericycle decision, as well as the company layoffs and other unpleasant facts that Candidate Romney would like to disown, he certainly was responsible for these decisions.

So, enough with walking a fine line rhetorically.
Interestingly, Romney claims to have "left" Bain in February of 1999, and the aborted-fetus deal happened in November of 1999, so Romney et. al. are claiming that he had nothing to do with the deal, even though Romney remained President, CEO and stole shareholder. Interesting timing on Romney's claim to have left.

We're to believe that no one told Romney that they were going into the aborted fetus business. Uh huh. That's like me taking a leave of absence from Carolina Naturally, but retaining total ownership and leadership, and the rest of the staff deciding to take the blog into the porn business without telling me.

Yeah, right.

Another point:  how you run a huge business like Bain when the President and CEO is missing in action for three years, but retaining his posts in the company. So Bain was rudderless for three years, rather than Romney temporarily stepping down as President and CEO. Really?

Has Romney ever returned the money he made off of aborted fetuses?

Mitt Romney was the President, CEO and sole stockholder of Bain Capital, a company bought millions of shares in Stericycle, a company that disposes of aborted fetuses.

Romney is now trying to claim that he wasn't responsible for profiting off of something people like Romney himself would call the murder of young children, because the investment happened after his "leave of absence" in which he remained President, CEO and sole stockholder.

Okay, let's say we take Romney at his absolutely un-credible word. He had nothing to do with Bain making somewhere between $13m and $50m, depending on how (or when) you count it (some of the money was made before Romney finally actually left the company - i.e., gave up his jobs and shares - some was made later) off of the murder of young babies.

Regardless, Mitt Romney, as President, CEO and sole shareholder of Bain made a sizable sum of money off of the Stericycle deal. Mitt Romney made a sizable amount of money off of the disposal of dead aborted fetuses - off of the murder of young babies, to use the repugicans' own language.

Has Mitt Romney ever given back the blood money he made off of murdered babies?

Oh that's right - Romney won't release his tax returns, so no one knows.

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