Sunday, July 1, 2012

Thirteen Foods That Fight Sunburn

Soothe—or prevent—scorching sunburn with common kitchen ingredients.

By Leah Zerbe

Catechin, a compound in green tea, is a significant fighter against sunburn.2. Tea
Sunburn-fighting effect: Green tea’s catechin compounds help protect against the sun’s harmful radiation; its tannic acid helps soothe sunburn pain.
Utilize it! Studies suggest drinking just two cups a day could help provide a bit of added sun protection. (You should still use other sun-protection methods, like nontoxic sunscreen, sun-protective clothing, and time in the shade.) If you’re suffering from a scorched face, soak two tea bags in cool water and apply them to your aching eyelids. Tea’s tannic acid will ease sunburn pain.
Read about the other twelve here.
Read More: 9 Illness-Fighting Foods

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