Saturday, July 14, 2012

Today in History

1223   In France, Louis VIII succeeds his father, Philip Augustus.
1430   Joan of Arc, taken prisoner by the Burgundians in May, is handed over to Pierre Cauchon, the bishop of Beauvais.
1456   Hungarians defeat the Ottomans at the Battle of Belgrade, in present-day Yugoslavia.
1536   France and Portugal sign the Treaty of Lyons, aligning themselves against Spain.
1789   The Bastille, a fortress in Paris used to hold political prisoners, is stormed by a mob.
1798   The Sedition Act is passed by the U.S. Congress.
1864   At Harrisburg, Mississippi, Federal troops under General Andrew Jackson Smith repulse an attack by General Nathan Bedford Forrest.
1900   European Allies retake Tientsin, China, from the rebelling Boxers.
1933   Nazi Germany promulgates the Law for the Protection of Hereditary Health–the begining of the Euthanasia program.
1940   A force of German bombers attacks Suez, Egypt, from bases in Crete.
1941   Vichy French Foreign Legionaries sign an armistice in Damascus, allowing them to join the Free French Foreign Legion.
1945   American battleships and cruisers bombard the Japanese home islands for the first time.
1951   The George Washington Carver National Monument in Joplin, Missouri becomes the first national park honoring an African American.
1964   The United States sends 600 more troops to Vietnam.

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