Sunday, July 15, 2012

Today in History

1099   Jerusalem falls to the Crusaders.
1410   Poles and Lithuanians defeat the Teutonic knights at Tannenburg, Prussia.
1685   The Duke of Monmouth is executed in Tower Hill in England.
1789   The electors of Paris set up a "Commune" to live without the authority of the government.
1806   Lieutenant Zebulon Pike begins his western expedition from Fort Belle Fountaine.
1813   Napoleon Bonaparte's representatives meet with the Allies in Prague to discuss peace terms.
1834   Lord Napier of England arrives at Macao, China, as the first chief superintendent of trade.
1863   Confederate raider Bill Anderson and his Bushwackers attack Huntsville, Missouri, stealing $45,000 from the local bank.
1895   Ex-prime minister of Bulgaria, Stephen Stambulov, is murdered by Macedonian rebels.
1901   Over 74,000 Pittsburgh steel workers go on strike.
1938   Howard Huges and crew set a new world record for an around-the-world flight.
1942   The first supply flight from India to China over the 'Hump' is flown.
1958   President Dwight Eisenhower sends 5,000 Marines to Lebanon to keep the peace.
1960   John F. Kennedy accepts the Democratic nomination for president.

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