Friday, July 27, 2012

Today in History

1214   At the Battle of Bouvines in France, Philip Augustus of France defeats John of England.
1245   Frederick II is deposed by a council at Lyons, which found him guilty of sacrilege.
1586   Sir Walter Raleigh returns to England from Virginia.
1663   British Parliament passes a second Navigation Act, requiring all goods bound for the colonies be sent in British ships from British ports.
1689   Government forces defeat the Scottish Jacobites at the Battle of Killiecrankie.
1777   The Marquis of Lafayette arrives in New England to help fight the British.
1778   British and French fleets fight to a standoff in the first Battle of Ushant.
1793   Robespierre becomes a member of the Committee of Public Safety.
1861   President Abraham Lincoln replaces General Irwin McDowell with General George B. McClellen as head of the Army of the Potomac.
1905   The International Workers of the World found their labor organization in Chicago.
1909   Orville Wright sets a world record for staying aloft in an airplane–one hour, 12 minutes and 40 seconds.
1914   British troops invade the streets of Dublin, Ireland, and begin to disarm Irish rebels.
1921   Canadians Sir Frederick Banting and Charles Best isolate insulin at the University of Toronto.
1944   U.S. troops complete the liberation of Guam.
1953   Representatives of the United Nations, Korea and China sign an armistice at Panmunjon, Korea.
1964   President Lyndon Johnson sends an additional 5,000 advisers to South Vietnam.
1993   Israeli guns and aircraft pound southern Lebanon in reprisal for rocket attacks by Hezbollah guerrillas.

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