Friday, July 13, 2012

Yoga teacher fired for glaring at Facebook employee

A California yoga instructor has been fired for her disapproving stink-eye glare at a Facebook employee using a cellphone in class.

Alice Van Ness was hired to teach Yoga at Facebook's Menlo Park Campus. She told employees who took her classes to refrain from using cellphones, but one female employee ignored her and used her phone during a session. Van Ness says she gave the employee a "look of disapproval."
The employee complained to the woman's boss, who fired Van Ness.
According to the termination letter, the employee said Van Ness had "made a spectacle of her" during the class by stopping instruction and glaring at her when she pulled out her phone.
Van Ness said she didn't know the employee's name or whether she is a high-level executive at Facebook.

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