Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A repugican tea party Senate contender calls Hurricane Isaac a blessing

Sunday afternoon in Tampa, repugican Senate candidate from Texas, Ted Cruz (r-Texas), a tea party favorite, spoke at a faith & freedom coven event. Here's a transcript of the relevant portions, and here's the audio:
"You know, we have so many things to be thankful for, so many blessings — including even, we can be thankful for Hurricane Isaac. If nothing else, it kept Joe Biden away. (*applause*) I'm thrilled the rnc is gonna be paying to put Joe Biden on a national tour (*laughter*), because he truly is a wonderful spokesman for what this administration represents."

[five minutes omitted]

"There is a tidal wave coming. (*applause*) You know, a tidal wave often follows hurricanes (*applause*), and in November a tidal wave is coming."

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