Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Chris Matthews tells'em RNC chair, Romney are playing race card over birtherism

And if you ever needed to see the face of the repugican cabal - white, male, arrogant and angry in all of its glory - just watch rnc chair Reince Priebus in this video. NBC's Chris Matthews takes Reince to task for Mitt Romney's birther comments last week.

Of course, it wasn't Romney's first paean to racism.

Watch the entire video, it's only 5 minutes long.  For all the criticism the left has laid on Matthews over the years, he takes no BS from Priebus over the repugican cabal's embrace of racism.  Watch this.  Here's a transcript of the exchange, but it's only one small bit:
rnc chair Reince Priebus: I think Obama's policies have created the sense that for whatever reason he's looking to guidance, as far as health care is concerned, as far as our spending is concerned, as far as the stimulus packages are concerned, he's looking to Europe for guidance.

Matthews: What?

Priebus: I mean that's the problem...

Matthews: Where do you get this from? This is insane....  What's this have to do with Europe? The foreignization of the guy.  You're doing it again now.  He's influenced by foreign influences? You're playing that card again.

What's this European thing of yours?  What are you up to with this constant [unintelligible] that he's not really domestic?

Priebus: I'm not gonna get into a shouting match with Chris, so you guys can move on.

Matthews: Cuz you're losing.... I'm not gonna sit here and listen to cheap shots about Obama being a foreigner - is the thing you're party's been pushing, Sununu pushed it, everybody's pushing it.

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