Sunday, August 12, 2012

David Frum describes perfect attack ad against Ryan

Frum is an interesting character. He's one of the few wingnut talking-heads who seems to say what he actually believes, rather than just parroting repugican political spin.
Frum says the Democrats' perfect attack ad against Paul Ryan will be a woman saying that Ryan is going to make it much harder for her to get Medicare when she returns:
"You've worked hard all your life. You've paid Medicare taxes for almost 30 years. But under the Republican plan, Medicare won't be there for you. Instead of Medicare as it exists now, under the Republican plan you'll get a voucher that will pay as little as half your Medicare costs when you turn 65—and as little as a quarter in your 80s. And all so that millionaires and billionaires can have a huge tax cut."
Frum ads, "That ad will draw blood and will—as Henry Kissinger used to say—have the additional merit of being true."

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