Monday, August 13, 2012

Family fighting town order to get rid of 7-year-old girl's pet rabbit

A family in North Haven, Connecticut is asking for help after the town told them they have to get rid of their daughter's pet rabbit. The family says the town sent them a letter after an inspection was done at their house. They were told that an old ordinance says people in town aren't allowed to have rabbits on their property if they're not a certain size.

Seven-year-old Kayden Lidsky considers her pet bunny Sandy her best friend. "She lays with me in bed sometimes," Kayden said. It's one big bunny, a Giant Flemish weighing over 20 pounds. However, it's not the size of the rabbit, rather the size of the family's property that has the town of North Haven saying the rabbit must be removed from the Susan Lane home. "I don't want the bunny to go," said Kayden.

A cease and desist order was issued last month informing the family zoning laws do not allow livestock nor rabbits on lots under two acres. And before that a citation was issued for violating the blight ordinance, not only because of an unfinished over hang, but also because of the bunny cage. The family say Sandy has been a pet for three years. "A bunny is not a violent animal," said Joshua Lidsky, "a bunny is not a violent dog or a violent cat or a rabid animal, it's a caged creature that all it does is give love to our family."

Now the family will keep Sandy as they appeal the decision, but if they lose at that level the town attorney says it could trigger a Superior Court action enforcing removal of the animal. "I would love to keep the bunny," said Joshua. "I would love to keep my family happy and the town just let us live our life and pay our taxes." Dad has tried to explain the zoning law to Kayden, but the third grader just wants officials to let her keep her furry friend. "I would say don't make me give my bunny away because she is my best friend," Kayden said.

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