Thursday, August 16, 2012

Kangaroo escapes animal park with help from boar and fox

Three kangaroos staged a daring escape from a wildlife park near Frankfurt by going under rather than over the fences - thanks to the work of fox and wild boar accomplices.

Skippy, Jack and Mick made it under the first fence of their enclosure by using a hole dug by a fox, said Michael Hoffmann, assistant head of the Hochwildschutzpark Hunsrück west of Frankfurt.

One got stuck there, but two were brave enough to use a hole dug by a wild boar under the exterior fence to make it to freedom. One of the kangaroos remains at large.

The animal poses no danger to the public, stressed Hoffmann. "He's super friendly, super nice. Absolutely no danger at all." Several people nearby have reported seeing the missing kangaroo, but so far he’s managed to stay one jump ahead of officials.

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