Friday, August 17, 2012

Odds and Ends

Shipwreck to be freeze-dried, rebuilt
More than three centuries ago, a French explorer's ship sank in the Gulf of Mexico, taking with it France's hopes of colonizing a vast piece of the New World - modern-day Texas.
Birth Control for South African Elephants
The contraceptive, given by dart, has been tested at 14 elephant reserves, proving 100 percent effectiveness with no negative side effects.

These aren't your typical loos
These aren't your typical loos. One uses microwave energy to transform human waste into electricity.

Man Accidentally Shoots Self in Theater
Police say a man accidentally shot himself in the buttocks at a Nevada movie theater during a showing of "The Bourne Legacy." Police in Sparks, Nev., say the 56-year-old man's injuries are not life-threatening and no others were hurt.

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