Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Poll: Raise taxes to save Social Security

The program that the repugican cabal wants to destroy remains popular among Americans. Bizarrely, the repugican cabal views Social Security as an entitlement despite Americans paying into the system during their working life. Regardless of what spin we hear from the repugican cabal this week, it's their mission to destroy Social Security. It's terrifying to think what would have happened to Social Security in 2008 had the Ryan plan (which the shrub also attempted in his second junta) been enacted and it was privatized.
Why do repugicans want to destroy something as popular and important as Social Security?
Most Americans say go ahead and raise taxes if it will save Social Security benefits for future generations. And raise the retirement age, if you have to.

Both options are preferable to cutting monthly benefits, even for people who are years away from applying for them.

Those are the findings of a new Associated Press-GfK poll on public attitudes toward the nation's largest federal program.

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