Poll: Voters were more excited with Sarah Palin as VP
Yikes. And folks hated her.
new survey indicates that a great many Americans aren't enamored with
the guy who wants them spending their golden years subsisting on Ramen
noodles and strenuously networking to land jobs as Wal-mart greeters.
Ariel Edwards-Levy: "Americans' initial reaction to Paul Ryan is
decidedly lukewarm, with more rating his selection for vice president as
negative than positive, according to a USA Today/Gallup poll taken
after the announcement.
Ryan's ratings were less positive than those for any other vice
presidential pick polled on by Gallup since 2000, including Sarah Palin,
Joe Biden and Dick Cheney. The only other recent vice presidential
selection to gain net negative ratings was Dan Quayle, in 1988.
USA Today has more:
In a nationwide survey taken Sunday, 39% of registered
voters call repugican contender Mitt Romney's selection of Ryan
"excellent" or "pretty good" while 45% rate it as "only fair" or "poor."
Sixteen percent have no opinion.
That's the most tepid reception for a running mate since 1988, when
then-vice president George H.W. Bush picked Quayle, an Indiana senator
who immediately ran into questions about his draft history during the
Vietnam War and whether he was prepared for the presidency.
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