Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Romney visits struggling Iowa farmer ...

... who's a multimillionaire with an in-home art gallery

As ThinkProgress notes, the guy isn't exactly every man.
Yes, according to the Des Moines Register, Koethe owns 54 soy and corn farms. And that’s just one of his jobs.

In previous reports on his activity over the years from the Des Moines Register, Koethe is also a described as a millionaire, a real estate mogul, and a former concert promoter who booked acts like Slipknot at his 24,000 square foot event center.

Making this farmer’s life that much different from the average person, Koethe lives in a spaceship house. It might not have a car elevator like Romney’s planned home, but it’s got its own car wash bay and recreation center.
Even better, check out these photos of the poor farmer's home from the SF Chronicle (these are a few, they have more):

A modest home for ma and pa to rest after
spending a day feeding the pigs.
It figures that the only farmer Mitt Romney knows
has an art gallery in his home.

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