Thursday, August 2, 2012

"Romney will raise your taxes"

Obama seized on a new nonpartisan study suggesting Mitt Romney’s tax plan would raise taxes on most Americans in order to cut them for the very rich, accusing his opponent of favoring
millionaires over the middle class.

“Folks making $3 million a year or more, would get a quarter of a million dollar tax cut,”

Obama said. “But listen, it gets worse: under my opponent’s plan, who do you think gets
the bill for these $250,000 tax cuts? You do.”

Saying “you do not have to take my word for it,” Obama pointed to a new study which concluded

that even if Romney financed his reforms by eliminating existing tax breaks for the wealthy first,
the resulting changes would still raise taxes on the average family making under $200K by $2,000
while cutting taxes for the average American household making $3 million or more by close to $250,000.

“Here’s the thing: he’s not asking you to contribute more to pay down the deficit, he’s not asking you

to pay more to invest in our children’s education or rebuild our roads or put more folks back to work,”
Obama said.
“He’s asking you to pay more so that people like him can get a big tax cut.”

Powerful stuff - who's going to vote to have less so the super-rich can have more?

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