Saturday, August 18, 2012

Ryan Now Rejects Ayn Rand

Who is this principled, intelligent flip-flopper, again?

Ryan Then:
It was in 2005 that Rep. Ryan, while speaking at a Washington gathering to honor Ayn Rand, shared the news of Ms. Rand’s impact on his life and career. “The reason I got involved in public service, by and large, if I had to credit one thinker, one person, it would be Ayn Rand.”

Ryan Now:
I reject her philosophy. It’s an atheist philosophy. It reduces human interactions down to mere contracts and it is antithetical to my worldview. If somebody is going to try to paste a person’s view on epistemology to me, then give me Thomas Aquinas, who believed that man needs divine help in the pursuit of knowledge. Don’t give me Ayn Rand.

Really? Just like that, you suddenly dump your inspiration to please who -  the catholics?

This reminds me of Bush the Smarter in 1980 (I'm really old.)

The Mob/CIA/Pentagon industrial complex needed a warlord in the White House in 1980, so they pressured Reagan to ask Bush the Smarter to be his VP running mate.

One Hitch: Bush was Pro-Choice in 1980 (they always hide that fact and the Democrats are too goddamn polite to ever bring it up) so Reagan told Bush, "You have to be Pro-Life to be on the ticket with me," and what was Bush's reply?

"Fuck those women - I'm in!" and the BFEE global crime spree was born.
A repugican will change his fundamental beliefs for a goddamed grilled cheese sandwich.

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