Monday, August 27, 2012

Senate repugicans Block Another Jobs Bill, Face Backlash From American Public

senate, republicans, block, another, jobs, bill,, face, backlash, from, american, public,
Senate repugicans Block Another Jobs Bill Face Backlash From American Public 
The method repugicans have used to block all jobs legislation in the past two years is the same. A jobs bill comes up, it is filled with positive things for the economy, repugicans filibuster debate, this shields them from having to make floor speeches on why they don't want tax breaks for small businesses... etc.
Why? Well, if the economy recovers too strongly before an election, repugicans will lose power. If jobs numbers look too good, people will want to keep the same party. By repugicans blocking all jobs legislation and keeping jobs numbers from improving they believe this is their ticket to power.
In other words, if you and other Americans suffer just long enough it will pay off for repugicans.
They sacrifice the citizens' jobs with the hopes that they will create more repugican jobs in Congress.

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