Monday, August 13, 2012

Spider Named for Sir David Attenborough

David AttenboroughA newly-discovered species of goblin spider has been named in honor of British TV naturalist David Attenborough, and is now classified as Prethopalpus attenboroughi. The informal name will be Attenborough's goblin spider.
In an acceptance speech in Perth, Western Australia, Sir David said about his new namesake: "I take it that it is careful in its judgement, merciless, certainly beautiful and I will treasure it and I thank you very much indeed for this.
"Naming a species is the biggest of compliments that you could ask from any scientific community and I truly thank you very much indeed for this one."
The spider is commonly known as a goblin spider, so the scientists behind the find said that made it Attenborough's goblin spider.
It was not the first such honor for Attenborough: a fossil fish was named Materpiscis attenboroughi previously. More

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