Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Swing state female voters: Romney "out of step" on women's health issues

It's difficult to imagine why any woman would want to vote for a repugican these days. There will be a price to pay in November for their war on women.

The Hill:
The survey, conducted by Hart Research Associates, lends credence to Democrats' argument that the presumptive repugican presidential nominee is on the wrong end of a steep gender gap, largely because of his opposition to abortion rights and his positions on issues such as contraception.

By a 20-point margin, women surveyed in the Planned Parenthood Action Fund poll said Romney is "out of step" on women's issues. That number increased as women heard "specific information about Romney's on-the-record statements about women's preventive and reproductive health," the Hart polling memo says.

After hearing those descriptions, 64 percent of respondents said Romney is out of step.

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