Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The William Wallace Letters

William Wallace Letter

Free exhibition, The Scottish Parliament

  • Wednesday 15 August – Saturday 8 September. 
  • Preview Weekend Friday 10 and Saturday 11 August
  • Opening times between 10am and 5pm
  • Closed Monday 13 and Tuesday 14 August, and on Sundays
William Wallace stirred strong reactions in the years leading to his execution in 1305, and still does today.
This exciting exhibition explores the turbulent times in which he lived, and offers a special chance to see the only two documents with a personal link to him.
Wallace emerged from obscurity in 1297 to play a key role fighting in the Scottish wars of independence.
On display will be the letter issued by Wallace and Sir Andrew Murray after the Battle of Stirling Bridge, in which they plead for the Hanseatic trading port of Lübeck to resume trade with Scotland.
Visitors can also see the letter from King Philip IV of France asking agents to assist Wallace in his business before the Pope in 1300.
Get close to these intriguing fragments of Scotland’s history and discover the story behind the real William Wallace.

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