Thursday, August 23, 2012

Workers charged over 'toddler fightclub'

Workers charged over toddler fightclub 
Three childcare workers have been charged over a 'toddler fight club', in which they allegedly watched on and filmed as children in their care fought each other.
The three workers from Delaware have been charged with assault and other offenses after police obtained video of the fights.
It's alleged the three workers laughed as they filmed the three-year-olds, who were clearly not having fun, pummeling each other.
"Clearly one of the children is crying and does not want to continue on and he is pushed back into the fray by one of the adults," Dover Police Captain Tim Stump told local media.
The childcare center in question has had its license cancelled.
Parents at the center were shocked when they learned of the charges.
"That pissed me off just because I feel if my daughter is around anything, I should have known," Crystal Slack told AP.

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