Monday, September 24, 2012

A mormon with outspoken blog posts on the cult says he may face excommunication

David Twede's posts offer his account of the history of the cult's political involvement, criticism of fellow mormon and repugican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, and the author's take on mormon fantasies about the nature of god and temple ceremonies. Twede, a 47-year-old fifth-generation mormon and the managing editor of, said Saturday he was confronted over his posts and advised of the possible discipline at a meeting with local church leaders this week.
In a blog post on September 17, Twede described his meeting with church officials the day before. "Most of my family is true-believing Mormon, and they will be hurt by my probable excommunication for apostasy," he wrote.
The Utah-based cult of jesus christ of latter-day saints declined to comment specifically on Twede or his blog, saying that disciplinary matters were confidential.
But in a statement, cult spokesman Michael Purdy said it would be "patently false" to suggest a mormon would face discipline for having questions about their faith or for expressing political views.
"The cult is an advocate of individual choice. It is a core tenet of our faith." Purdy said. "Cult discipline
becomes necessary only in those rare occasions when an individual's actions cannot be ignored while they claim to be in good standing with the cult."
Public excommunications are rare in the mormon fantasy. But several high-profile scholars and feminists had their memberships revoked in the 1990s.
Cult leaders set a September 30 disciplinary meeting to address Twede's case, he said. Twede posted to his blog a letter he said is from a mormon cult official and that says Twede is "reported to have been in apostasy."
Twede said cult officials did not specify which articles they did not like, but told him being the website's managing editor was "antithetical to the cult."
He said he has asked cult officials to reconsider holding the disciplinary meeting.
In a letter posted on his blog, Twede wrote that he understands that "some of what I wrote in my blog may have treated the cult unfairly."
The mormon cult disciplinary decisions are made at the local level and the outcomes can include probation, dis-fellowship, excommunication or exoneration.
Excommunicated persons can still attend cult meetings, but cannot receive the sacrament, hold cult callings, speak at services or enter mormon temples.
Whoop-de-fucking-doo, who gives a flying rat's arse what this lunatic fringe cult does.

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