Friday, September 28, 2012

After the Resignation of the Police Chief, A Dog Is the Only Officer Left on the Force

The police chief of the small eastern New Mexico town of Vaughn resigned Wednesday, leaving the town with just one certified member on its police force - a drug-sniffing dog named Nikka.

 "This has the perfect sitcom plot written all over it." 

Vaughn, New Mexico is a little town of about 450 people. The Chief of Police had to resign after facing felony charges. That leaves Nikka the dog alone to protect the people of Vaughn against the forces of lawlessness:
According to records, the only qualified member of the Vaughn Police Department is Nikka, a drug-sniffing dog. Vaughn's other officer isn't certified and pleaded guilty to charges of assault and battery last year. Noncertified officers can't make arrests and can't carry firearms. 
Who should play Nikka on the show?
and more Here

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