Friday, September 7, 2012

Don't Go to the U.S.A.

A Foolish and Backward Nation
That's how this Chinese microblog post, which has gone viral on Sina Weibo, China's Twitter, started. The anonymous post painted Americans as foolish, primitive and naive - but before you get offended, read it in its entirety to find who's really being criticized.

Tea Leaf Nation has the English translation:
Don’t Go to the U.S., A Foolish and Backward Nation
I’ve already been in the U.S. for a long time. I regret that choice. We’ve been [fooled] by Western media the whole time, making us think that the U.S. is a modernized country. Harboring hopes of studying American modern science in order to serve my motherland, I moved heaven and earth in order to make it over to this “superpower.” But the result has been very disappointing!
(1) The U.S. is actually a giant, undeveloped farming village. In middle school, teachers teach students that the more developed industry gets, the greater harm the natural environment suffers. For example, in an industrial city you should find chimneys everywhere, large factories everywhere, dust everywhere. That’s the symbol of industrialization! But the U.S.? You hardly ever see chimneys, occasionally you’ll see a few small ones but they’re just decorations for houses. Instead there are clear rivers and lakes everywhere, and there aren’t even paper factories or steel smelters by the riverbanks. The clean and fresh air is a symbol of primitive society. There’s not even a trace of industrialization!

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