Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Dynamite-using ATM thieves blew bank to smithereens

Thieves in Germany made an explosive miscalculation on Sunday night when trying to blow open cash machine – they used so much dynamite they destroyed the bank – but managed to escape with the ATM.

Parts of the Sparkasse bank were flung more than 80 meters across the street, damaging two neighboring buildings. Despite their misjudgement, the suspects appeared to have left the scene with the cash machine as police confirmed it was missing.

The suspects probably used far too much dynamite, police in Nottuln, near Münster North-Rhine Westphalia said on Monday.

 No information has been released on how much money was in the machine, but the blast has caused hundreds of thousands of euros in damage. The flats above the bank are uninhabitable a police spokesman said, and engineers will be brought in to determine whether the entire building will have to be demolished.

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