Sunday, September 30, 2012

Future Quotes

Here are some 'quotes' from the wingnuts about who won next Wednesday's debate

"I thought Romney clearly won that debate. He looked confident,
  - his answers were sharp and he appeared more presidential than Obama."
        -- Bill Kristol, reviewing next Wednesday's debate

"It wasn't even close - not even close. Romney clearly won that debate.
  Obama was flailing for answers - the president didn't have a good night."
       --  O'Reilly, reviewing next Wednesday's debate

"Romney clearly won that first debate.  Obama embarrassed himself.
  Obama seemed tentative and meek, while Romney was calm and presidential."

Hannity, reviewing next Wednesday's debate

Romney by a mile - and our post-debate polls show exactly that."
  --  Lou Dobbs, reviewing next Wednesday's debate

" I half-expected Monica to come out and blow Obama."

--  the vulgar Pigboy, Lush Dimbulb, being the giant dick that he always is
Please note that the debate takes place on October 3rd and today is only September 30th. But due to the predictable script that the wingnut talking heads follow the above 'quotes' are spot on.

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