Saturday, September 8, 2012

H2O News

Global Ocean Sprawl May Boost Jellyfish

Artificial structures like harbors and shipping facilities offer habitat for jellyfish young to flourish. Read more

Top 5 Surprises From Climate Change

The impact that carbon pollution is having on the planet is happening now. The climate is changing and with it are coming many surprises. Read more
Florida coast

Hurricane Link To Climate Change Explained

Will hurricanes become more frequent or powerful because of climate change? We asked an expert. Read more
Hurricane Link To Climate Change Explained

Landscape Changes from Trawling Seafloor Massive

Bottom trawling is dramatically altering the ocean floor and harming habitats, similar to the way that farming has permanently changed the landscape. Read more

South America's Melted Ice Could Cover U.S.

The water melted from two Andean icefields over the past 12 years was enough to cover the U.S. in 1.2 inches of water. Read more
South America's Melted Ice Could Cover U.S.

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