Thursday, September 13, 2012

Horse and goat victims of fluorescent graffiti

Tim Schlabach was stunned when he first saw the fluorescent colors on his horse last Saturday. “I’m walking toward the barn and I see yellow, orange and green on her,” Schlabach said at his home west of Cochranton in Fairfield Township, Pennsylvania. “I was thinking, ‘What in the world?’ ”

Someone apparently spray-painted one side of Lily, a 10-year-old mare, with bright fluorescent paint on Friday night while she was in a pasture at the Schlabach family’s small farm.

Lily, it turns out, wasn’t the only animal at the Schlabach farm that was painted. “I’m walking toward Lily when one of the goats came out of the barn and I saw it was green,” said Schlabach. A closer examination of a male goat, Josh, found green and yellow paint around its face.

After the Schlabachs discovered their two animals marred by paint, they checked with neighbours and found no other animals had been painted. However, the family noticed road signs and mailboxes along Route 285 as well as some adjacent roads were spray-painted in the same colours. Schlabach contacted Pennsylvania State Police at Meadville about the incident who are investigating.

There's a news video here.

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