Saturday, September 29, 2012

North American Wife Carrying Championship

fThe European sport of wife carrying has become so popular that the North American Championship is in its 13th year. The event will be held in Newry, Maine, on October 6th.
The origin of the sport was apparently inspired by the Finnish wife-carrying tradition and a 19th century character named Herkko Rosvo-Rankainen, who--as folklore has it --chose people for his marauding band of thieves based on how well they could carry wives away as they plundered the villages.

Lucky, the modern day version includes only willing participants, and the women don't even have to be married. To compete teams must be comprised of a man and a woman, 21 years or older. Women are welcome to carry the men, but that usually doesn't work out well so much.
The winning couple will receive a cash prize and the wife's weight in beer. More

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