Monday, September 3, 2012

Obama to voters: Don't let the repugicans get you down

President Barack Obama has a warning these days for young voters: Mitt Romney and the repugicans want to keep you away from the polls.
Nothing illegal (well, nothing proven illegal, yet anyway. Although it's only a matter of time.). More like suppression by depression. 
President Obama correctly asserts that the repugican presidential nominee and the outside political machinery supporting him want to get voters so down and disillusioned that they will decide their votes don't matter. 

"But understand, over the next two months, the other side is going to spend more money than we've ever seen in our lives with an avalanche of attacks ads and insults, and making stuff up, just making stuff up," Obama told roughly 13,000 students packed into a quad at the University of Colorado on Sunday.
"And what they're counting on is that you get so discouraged by this that at a certain point you say, 'You know what, I'm going to leave it up to someone else.' ... I'm counting on something different. I'm counting on you."

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