Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Romney Campaign "Disastrous"

Says intern-killer Joe Scarborough

Add Joe Scarborough to the list of repugicans who are upset with how Romney is running his campaign.

“How can it be that this man who turned around countless businesses, saved the 2002 Olympics, and ran
Democratic Massachusetts like a pro is the head of such a disastrous campaign?” Scarborough writes.

He cites a litany of errors by the scum-sucking, bottom-dweller.

• Who was responsible for burying his convention video behind the bumbling bluster of Clint Eastwood?
• Who told Romney to issue a political broadside against the commander-in-chief the day after a U.S. ambassador was murdered?
• And who decided that Romney would use his general election campaign to stand for absolutely nothing?  

As for the debt, “when it comes to balancing the budget, Mr. Romney has no plan,” Scarborough writes.
And as for defense spending, “all Mitt Romney can do is promise bigger budgets and longer wars.”

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