Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Social Media

  #socialmedia from ABOVE on Vimeo.
Could anything be more ironically hip than taking 9,000 photographs over five days to construct an animation of a painting that explains how people waste too much time on social media? The Parisian artist Above left a statement at the vimeo page:
People look at me like I’m from another planet when I tell them I don’t have social media like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. In the eyes of social media I’m severely outdated, lost and not ‘connected’.

Not partaking in the aforementioned social media makes me an outsider looking in on how hyper frequent society uses its sacred social media. I can’t help but observe the people around me who appear to be consumed and addicted to trying to keep up to speed on their social media pages.

You check your Facebook page while driving. Tweet a message that you ‘just took a shower’. Instagram a photo of your double soy macchiato with extra foam and so it continues ad infinitum.
You can read the rest. Link

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