Saturday, October 20, 2012

Animal News

First Human Ancestor Looked Like a Squirrel

This tree-dwelling animal saw the dawn of an era when mammals would come to dominate the planet. Read more
Human Ancestor

Prehistoric Flamingo Nest with Eggs Discovered

Five fossilized flamingo eggs from some 18 million years ago are found in Spain. Read more
flamingo eggs

Jaws vs. Frankie Valli

Sharks inspire fear from most of the human population, but they're more vulnerable to us than we are to them. Read more
Jaws vs. Frankie Valli: Gotta-See Video

How Dolphins Stay Awake for Two Weeks

Unlike land mammals, dolphins sleep with only part of their brains at any time. Read more

Dome-Headed Dinos Battled With Their Heads

Signs of injuries detected in pachycephalosaurs' skulls offer evidence the animals head-butted in violent battles. Read more
fighting dinosaurs

Eight-Eyed Spiders Watch Videos and People

Eight-eyed jumping spiders have a near 360-degree view of the world and can be captivated by humans and nature videos. Read more

Primates at Risk

A new UN report has named 25 primates most at risk. See each one and learn why each is threatened. Read more

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