Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Animal News

The Great Chimp Tech Boom

Chimp tech isn't at the level of the iPad Mini, but some clever primates are innovating and spreading their methods. Read more
Ant Fishing

Why Dung Beetles Like to Chill on Poop Balls

Dung beetles use their balls of feces to protect their tootsies from the hot sands of the South African desert. Read more
dung beetles have a poop plan

Bigfoot Vandalizes a Winnebago

A long history of people have blamed the hairy humanoid for attacking personal property. Read more
A Pennsylvania man who accused Bigfoot of vandalizing his 1973 Winnebago earlier this month is just one of a long history of people who have blamed the hairy humanoid for attacking personal property and dwellings.

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