Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Disabled grandmother used bear spray to fend off 13 attackers after her marijuana crop

It was one disabled woman versus 13 intruders, and she won. The Dixon, California, homeowner, whose identity is being kept hidden, knows what the criminals were after, but wouldn’t let them have it. She went to answer an early morning knock on the door, but not before grabbing a can of bear spray. It was her only defense against 13 intruders.
She was staring down the barrel of a shotgun, facing seemingly impossible odds. Most wouldn’t dare fight back, but this disabled grandmother did. “I’ve always jokingly said, ‘if someone tries to take my income, I’m going to fight. They’re going to have to fight me,’” said the woman. She says the intruders were after her medical marijuana crop in her backyard.

They were apparently so distracted that even the gunman didn’t notice what she was hiding in her hand. “I couldn’t get the safety off,” she said.As they were yelling “where’s the marijuana?”, she flicked off the safety and emptied the can of bear spray on three of the men, including the man pointing the shotgun at her. “I didn’t realize it until it was all over with how dangerous it was,” she said.

“Running as fast as they can away in two different directions and there was 13 of them,” the woman said. “Put that much energy to come, and take it from someone is just chicken,” she said. It was a matter of principle over medical pot, which is her sole source of income. “I would do it again,” she said. Now she’s getting out of the medical marijuana business because she doesn’t want her grandchildren around any danger.

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